Professor Han Liu receives the Tweedie New Researcher Award and the Noether Young Scholar Award

Feb. 18, 2015

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics has selected Han Liu as the winner of this year’s Tweedie New Researcher Award.  Prof. Liu is selected "for making fundamental and outstanding contributions to the theory and methods of nonparametric and semiparametric graphical models, with innovative applications in brain science and genomics." The IMS Tweedie New Researcher Award will fund Prof. Liu’s travel to present the Tweedie New Researcher Invited Lecture at the IMS New Researchers’ Conference, held this August in Seattle.

Also, the American Statistical Association has selected Han Liu as the winner of this year’s Noether Young Scholar Award for for outstanding early career contributions to nonparametric statistics.  The Noether Young Scholar Award is given each year to an accomplished young researcher. This award is made to foster, encourage, and support both research and teaching in nonparametric statistics. The Noether Young Scholar will deliver an invited lecture the year after the award.